Garden Hose Buying Guide
Garden hoses are an important part of maintaining your home and garden, but before you buy a new hose, there are some important things you need to know. Swan has all the information you need to make a good decision.

Get to Know Garden Hose Layers Before You Buy
Most everyone is familiar with a garden hose. Using one is the best way to transport water around outside.

Drinking From A Hose
You may remember back to the days when you were a kid, and your parents would tell you not to drink out of the hose.

The Flow Rate of a Garden Hose
One of the most important tasks for a gardener is efficient and effective watering.

Best Garden Hoses: Our Recommendations
So, it's time to get a new water hose for your outdoor projects. The kind of hose you'll want to purchase depends upon your specific needs. We've compiled a list of the best garden hoses in a number of categories.